• Toorcamp: Gender Issues, Cognitive Psychology and Hacking

    Updated: 2012-04-27 16:54:44
    So the announcement for Toorcamp is out, and it looks like an exciting few days. A few talks already announced look very new school, including “How you can be an ally to us females” by Danielle Hulton and Leigh Honeywell, and “Cognitive Psychology for Hackers.” It’s in the far northwester corner of the US, and [...]

  • Postdoc in Theoretical Quantum Optics at the University of Calgary

    Updated: 2012-04-03 01:48:30
    Professor Christoph Simon is looking for postdoc candidates who are interested in joining my theoretical quantum optics group at the University of Calgary, starting this summer. Professor Simon’s current research interests are briefly described below. His group is part of … Continue reading →

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